Intuitive parenting support
During our meetings, I will try to accompany you as best as possible to connect you to your intuitive parenting in order to "better" meet/understand the needs of your child, and yours. While allowing you to reconnect, to your intuitive parent in order to gain more and more self-confidence in all your roles: You, mother, wife, child (your own education), and partner.
Single package over 3 months: €120.26
or single appointment: €46.42 (45 to 60min)
Solidarity Consultation: Pay 10 euros more and allow a friend or someone in need to access a consultation -35%
Appointment on the "Zoom" app
Doula support
Package 555.89€ with presence at delivery (dpt 17 or 85):
-Hospital delivery with Doula
Or at home with Doula and Photographer + Midwife
:1 to 2 appointments/month
+1 free appointment
+1 Intuitive parenting appointment offered
Package without attendance at childbirth: 325€
:1 to 2 appointments/month
+ 1 appointment offered
+1 Intuitive parenting appointment offered
Single appointment: €46.42 (45 to 60min)
Business Meeting: Continuum Group
For all questions about a partnership,
Summits (online conferences)
or any other project you
want to introduce me or on which you want to intervene.
RDV Association "A Continuum of Peace".
For all questions concerning your situation, your possible commitment, to support the cause
or for a project proposal aimed at bringing the association to life.
Other (specify when when making an appointment online).